Spinners - Cams to Ascot, Northgate, Sandgate, Bracken Ridge, Strathpine, Narangba, Cashmere, Eatons Hill, CAMS 89km @ Captain Burke Park on the Corner of Holman St and Main St @ Kangroo Point Saturday, November 25, 2023 5:30 AM 9:30 AM 05:30 09:30 Google Calendar ICS Chasers - Cams to Ascot, Northgate, Sandgate, Bracken Ridge, Strathpine, Narangba, Cashmere, Eatons Hill, CAMS 89km MAPNEW Meeting Location: Captain Burke Park @ Kangroo Pointhttps://goo.gl/maps/eLvezVyqhR7ghj2v5